Add Your Solo Ads Seller Listing

Do you run a mailing list or mailing lists? Do you allow marketers to buy solo ads on your lists? If so then you will definitely want to add your listing to The Solo Ads Directory.

Listing your solo ads on this site is 100% free - no catches!

This site is currently new and we don't get that much traffic yet. However, we're part of a large network of closely related directory sites (FindABlog.Net FindAForum.Net, FindAStore.Net) that are particularly popular with internet marketers in the make money online and weight loss niches. We're also in this for the long term - FindAForum was launched in 2013 and was revamped and updated in 2020. It regularly achieves between 500 and 1000 daily visitor sessions.

To add your solo ad seller listing simply email the following to

Mandatory Information

You must supply these fields:

Your Name:
  Buyers tend to prefer buying solo ads from named individuals.
Website Title:
  Tell people about your services. Our visitors especially like to know about: traffic quality, what extra services you offer (e.g. free landing page and funnel review), mobile or desktop traffic.
Your Country:
Your Mailing List Niche(s):
  Main niches: Marketing, Finance, Health, Mobile, Social, Crypto, Dating, Weight Loss. Feel free to list specific niches (e.g. drop shipping, stocks, clickbank offers, work from home, bitcoin, forex trading).

Optional fields

You don't need to supply these but you'll get a much more trustworthy looking listing if you do:

Website URL (should use https):
  Website URL is important as this will allow us to periodically monitor your site and show our ad buyers that you still appear to exist.
Number of Subscribers in Email List:
Maximum Clicks:
Price Per Click (USD/$):
How Your List Was Built:
  Buyers always like to know how your list's email addresses were collected. UDIMI Profile URL:
Your Monthly Online Earnings (USD/$):
  Round to nearest $5000 if it's a large amount.
Social Media URLs [e.g. FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter... again the more you have the more trustworthy you appear]:
  We can link to your social media profiles to help show you're a genuine seller. We support: YouTube, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.